Friday, January 27, 2012

"It's all London, baby!" part 3

I have lived in the UK for quite a while now so surely I can be excused for having 'Weather' as a separate heading(?) The English are known for their tendency to talk about the weather. I think part of the reason is that there really is something to talk about in that sector; the weather can change very suddenly. To be safe, one should always have an umbrella with them on day trips in London. Even the weather forecast does not always know what's coming. 

The rumours that it rains a lot in London are true but that doesn't mean it's never sunny. Especially in the summer we can get long periods of gorgeous weather with temperatures swerving around 30 degrees Celsius. Because the air is humid, it feels hotter than it otherwise would (in Finland the air tends to be quite dry).
February 2009 when it snowed more than usual.
It snows in London maybe once a year. It is not much, only a thin layer which generally clears itself by the next day. London is never prepared for the snow even though it could be regarded as an annual occurrence so everything comes to a standstill. People are discouraged to drive, the public transport stops running, many schools and shops are closed because staff can't get to work (so for pupils snow day is an event to look forward to).

Otherwise the weather in the winter tends to be a couple of degrees Celsius. The rain and the wind often makes it seem colder though. One almost wishes it was slightly colder just so that it would snow instead of it raining. Or, well, I do :P

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